Add contact:
URL: https://www.ardary-sms.com/api/addContact Method: POST Request Content-Type: application/json
JSON request data - name and value pairs description: header: object with ardary-sms request details; Value: JSON Object -login(required):YOUR_LOGIN -accessKey(required):YOUR_ACCESS_KEY contacts: list of contacts to be sended Value: JSON Array with contact JSON Objects: - firstname(optional) : contact first name -lastname(optional):contact last name - adress(optional):contact adress -phonenumber(required):contact phone number(international format). -email(optional):contact email.
Example of answers
In case Of success
{ "data":{ "contact":[ { "firstname":"XXXXXXX", "lastname":"XXXXXXX", "phonenumber":"+XXXXXXX", "adress":"XXXX", "email":"XXXXX@XXXX.XX", "result":"success" } ] } }
In case Of error
{ "data":{ "contact":[ { "firstname":"XXXXX", "lastname":"XXXXXXX", "phonenumber":"+XXXXXXXXX", "adress":"", "email":"", "result":"failed", "errors":[ "#001" ] } ] } }
#001 : Invalid phone number #002 : Empty phone number #003 : No phone number #004 : Invalid E-mail